Embracing Spontaneity:

Embracing Spontaneity: Painting Pollinators in Watercolour

Lately, I've been captivated by watercolour painting, focusing on the enchanting world of pollinators like bees, bumblebees, and wasps.

Two revelations have made this journey a joy.

First, I've abandoned preliminary pencil sketches, letting watercolour's spontaneity shine. Second, I allow the watercolour to dance freely on paper, creating independent and accessible illustrations that truly reflect my character.

This uncontrolled approach has been liberating and brought an authentic essence to my work. In essence, embracing watercolour's unpredictability has added a touch of magic to my art.

A continuation of this story.

I bought a new portable easel and a set of new brushes and wanted to give them a try.

I went outside looking to get new ideas, and then a house near my studio caught my eye. Gradually it started shaping up on a canvas.

As I was painting, a young woman with a little boy came by to look at what I was painting.

She asked if I would interested in making a painting of her home. She thought it would make a great Father's Day gift for her husband.

I happily agreed and made this painting of their home.

A continuation of this story. Her friend asked me to paint her father's home as a gift for Father's Day.

Текстильні варіації

Textile variations.

In my opinion, textile techniques add some special mystery to a female image and can instigate a multitude of fantasies. They in turn may lead to creation of new and surprisingly organic techniques.

Текстильні варіації.
Жіночий образ, який твориться засобами текстилю, виходить загадково, як на мою думку.

Можливі всілякі фантазії. Вони ж народжують техніки і все, на диво, досить органічно.